Dog health & Nutrition

Fever in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

For dog owners, detecting fever in dogs is a difficult task. As the normal body temperature of dogs is a bit higher than humans, it is difficult to say whether a dog has a fever or not.

Some dog parents follow an old method to check dog fever. In this method, we need to feel the dog’s nose. If it is wet and cool, then the dog is healthy, and if it is warm and dry, the dog has a fever. This is not a reliable method so it is better to take temperature using a thermometer.

What is Dog Fever?

A dog’s normal temperature ranges from 101 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit, which is higher than humans, ranging from 97.6 degrees Fahrenheit to 99.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

If a dog’s body temperature is higher than 103 degrees Fahrenheit, it can be considered dog fever. This high temperature can lead to severe complications if left untreated.

How to Detect Fever in Dogs?

It is hard to detect fever in dogs. A dog’s body temperature varies throughout the day, with varying activities. A dog has a high body temperature during an exciting playful activity or when they are stressed. So, it may be difficult to say if the dog has a fever.

To determine your dog’s normal body temperature, you need to monitor your dog’s body temperature at different times at day and night.

You can check your dog’s body temperature using a pet thermometer, especially made for pets. A digital thermometer can help you take your dog’s temperature accurately.

To take a dog’s temperature, you need to lubricate the thermometer with petroleum jelly or baby oil and then insert it into the dog’s rectum about 1 inch deep by lifting the dog’s tail. You need to be careful during this activity and make sure the dog does not sit. It will take around 60 seconds to record the reading. After recording the reading you can take out the thermometer.

What Are The Symptoms of Fever in Dogs?

If you notice unfamiliar behavior in your dog, it may indicate a disease in your dog. In addition to high body temperature, look for the following symptoms of fever in dogs:

  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nasal discharge
  • Vomiting
  • Panting
  • Red eyes

What Causes Fever in Dogs?

Certain infections and inflammation in different body parts cause dog fever in most cases. These infections lead to fever in dogs. Some of these infections include:

  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • Insect bite or scratch
  • Abscessed or infectious tooth
  • Lung or kidney infection
  • Ear infection
  • Bacterial fungal or viral infection

Sometimes a dog fever is caused by toxic food ingested by dogs. Some of the foods that cause dog fever include:

  • Human foods with artificial sweeteners like xylitol
  • Human medications
  • Toxic plants in the yard
  • Antifreeze

The dogs also contract mild fever 24 to 48 hours after vaccination that may last for a day. It is usually not harmful.

There are certain situations when dog fever is not identified and is referred to as Fever of Unknown Origin (FUO). This may be due to unrecognized disorders of the immune system or bone marrow that lead to cancer.

When to See a Vet?

Fever in dogs
Dog Being Examined By a Vet

You should see a vet if your dog is running a fever of 106 degrees Fahrenheit. This high body temperature can harm the body organs and be fatal if not cured in time.

Your vet will ask about any allergies, surgeries or past injuries to your dog. He will take a physical exam and then take lab tests for proper diagnosis. He will prescribe a fever reducer or specific medicines to treat the infection.

Always avoid giving human medication to dogs as it can be fatal to them.

How to Reduce Fever in Dogs?

If your dog feels hot on tummy and has a fever of 103 degrees Fahrenheit, you should take proper care of your dog. Try to keep your dog cool by putting a damp cloth on the dog’s ear and paws. This will help to bring down the temperature to normal. Also, put a fan near your dog. If the temperature drops down, then stop this practice, and let the dog take a rest as much as he can. But keep monitoring so that the fever does not return.

Drinking water can also help bring the temperature to be normal, so try to give some water to your dog but don’t force him.


Can You Tell If A Dog Has A Fever By Touch?

We need to feel the dog’s nose. If it is wet and cool, then the dog is healthy, and if it is warm and dry, the dog has a fever. This method does not work all the time, so we cannot completely rely on it. It would be best to take the proper temperature using a thermometer.

How Do You Tell If A Dog Has A Fever?

If you notice unfamiliar behavior in your dog, it may indicate fever in your dog. In addition to high body temperature, look for the following symptoms of fever in dog:

  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nasal discharge
  • Vomiting
  • Panting
  • Red eyes

How Can I Treat My Dog’s Fever At Home?

Try to keep your dog cool by putting a damp cloth on the dog’s ear and paws. This will help to bring down the temperature to normal. Also, put a fan near your dog. If the temperature drops down, stop this practice and let the dog rest as much as he can. But keep monitoring so that the fever does not return.

Drinking water can also help bring the temperature to be normal, so try to give some water to your dog but don’t force him.

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